Why The Burning Wheel? Character driven roleplaying in the age of video games.

Fight for what you believe!

The Burning Wheel is a fantasy roleplaying system first published in 2002 and extensively revised until 2011. Even though it was never the height of fashion, after so many years it still holds a special place in the hearts of many connoisseurs worldwide. The game has a strong focus on character driven storytelling supported by a crunchy system designed for long campaigns: it caters to all roleplayers who love detailed PCs and want to feel like the protagonists of an epic story that revolves around them.

During this demo, I will guide you towards a first approach with The Burning Wheel and we will play a short scenario.

Please bring some d6.



Spielleitung: Vinz


Die Spielrunde ist für 2 bis 6 Mitspielende im Alter von mindestens 18 Jahren

Es sind bereits 6 Mitspielende

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