Details zur Spielrunde auf der Veranstaltung DreieichCon 2024
The Deep Forest (narrative fantasy game)
3:30 h
Stadtbücherei | unten | SB-u-22
Content-Note / Triggerwarnung
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For a long time, our monstrous home was occupied by invading humans. Now, finally, we’ve driven them off, and we’re left with this: a year of relative peace. One quiet year, with which to dismantle their settlements and reclaim our lands.
This is a map-drawing game. You collectively explore the struggles of a community of monsters, trying to rebuild and heal after driving off the human occupiers. It’s a game about community, difficult choices, and decolonization.
When you play, you make decisions about the community, decisions that get recorded on a map that is constantly evolving. Parts of the map are literal cartography, while other parts are symbolic. Players work together to create and steer this community, but they also play devil’s advocate and introduce problems and tensions into the game.
We decide about genre and setting at the table. You do not have to have special drawing and mapping skills.
The language of the game will be English, international people are welcome.
You can download the game for free from the author's website.
We will create the game world during the game
Spielleitung: Jens
Die Spielrunde ist für 2 bis 3
im Alter
von mindestens 16 Jahren
Es sind bereits 2 Mitspielende
Um sich online in eine Runde einzuschreiben wird ein Konto benötigt.